Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

26 Weeks

26 Weeks

Maxwell's size: Around 14 inches, about 1 2/3 lbs, about as much as a head of lettuce.
How far along: 26 Weeks.
Total weight gain:  18.5 lbs
Sleep: Sleep was pretty uneventful this week, although, I've been getting a lot hotter at night.
Stretch Marks: None.
Food cravings: None.
Food aversions:  None.
Symptoms: Charlie Horses!  I get them a few times a week at night and they hurt SO bad!  Still having awful heartburn, but like I said last week, I'm so used to it at this point I just expect it.  Also, my boobs are still leaking.  
Exercise: I'm thinking about taking this one off of here since I've been so horrible lately!  I didn't do much again this week.  
MovementLast week was exciting because James got to feel Maxwell move for the first time...and this week we are able to SEE him move!  It's so crazy!  It looks like he's going to jump right out!
Belly Button: Still an innie...barely.  James likes to say that my belly button is dying!
Nursery Update:  Nothing really changed with the nursery this week.  I'm waiting on the foam to come for the cushion I'm making, so I've kinda been putting off doing any more with it til everything else comes in.

It's our last week in the 2nd trimester and it's hard to believe how fast it's gone by!  Next week Maxwell would no longer be considered a micropreemie if he was born and he would have about a 95% chance of survival!


  1. The Charlie Horses are a sign that Max is leeching Mommy's calcium to build his little bones. I find if I take my calcium supplement about a half hour before bed (longer if you take it in pill form), I sleep sounder and don't get the leg cramps. =) Just a little advice from one mommy to another! =)

  2. I second what Tracy said. I've read that about calcium in a few of the books I've been reading (btw, I love your book list. I've read about half of them). I got Charlie Horses a lot when I worked as a dishwasher because I was on my feet a lot and I get dehydrated easily, so I don't think adding more water to your day could hurt either.

    And, really, could your belly get any beautifuller?

  3. Thanks ladies. I didn't know that. Someone told me bananas would help too, either of you know if there's any truth to that?

  4. I think Potassium is what's in bannanas that works for cramps. From some googling it looks like potassium helps with fluid blance as an electrolyte. I guess try a few things and see what works to keep you comfortable. And lots of massages from James would probably help too. :)
