Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

5 Months Old

Weight:  {Next appt. November 30} 
Length:  {Next appt. November 30}
Head Circumference:  {Next appt. November 30}
Clothing Size:  He's still wearing pretty much the same size clothing.  His 3 month Carter's stuff is getting a little snug, but he can still wear them ok.  He can also fit in 6 month stuff though in some brands.
Feeding:  We're dealing with him being super distracted while eating during the day now.  Usually that means he will only eat the bare minimum during the day and then load up during the night...which = very little sleep for mommy.  :(
Sleeping:  He really hates naps and it varies day to day whether he even takes naps at all.  He's been sleeping fairly well at night lately, but that varies sometimes too!
Loves: The exer-saucer, showers with mommy, breastfeeding, sucking on his fists, standing, talking, mornings, funny faces, mirrors, peek-a-boo, his toes, the jogging stroller, splashing.
Hates: Sleep, bottles, his car seat, not being able to see everything.

Favorite Moments

Thoughts on the fifth month
5 whole months old little man!  I can't believe it!  I know I say that every month, but it just feels like every day flys by with you!  You're getting so much bigger and so much stronger.  You can already hold Daddy's hands and pull yourself up to stand.  You rolled over for the first time a couple weeks ago and you're starting to enjoy time on your tummy much more than you did before.  You love it when I take you into the shower with me.  You flap your little arms around and smile when the water hits you! You're grabbing at all of your toys and you love to put your little monkey in your mouth.  In fact, everything goes in your mouth these days!  Tomorrow is your first Halloween and you're dressing up as a shark.  Hopefully we'll get some pictures of you, but who knows since we've been in the middle of a hurricane the past few days!  Your first hurricane buddy!  Thankfully it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, but Mommy was pretty scared for a bit.  You particularly enjoyed having both Mommy and Daddy off from work for a few days!  We love you so much and really enjoyed the time home with you too!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

4 Months Old

Weight:  {Will find out October 9} We're estimating around 15-16 lbs, but we're just weighing him with one of us and then weighing ourselves without him and subtracting to find the difference.  So it's just an estimate. 
Length:  {Will find out October 9}
Head Circumference:  {Will find out October 9}
Clothing Size:  He was getting pretty chunky for awhile and fitting into his 6 month stuff.  But I think it may have been just because he hadn't hit his growth spurt length wise yet.  Now that he's leaned out, he's fitting back into some of his 3 month stuff and most of his 3-6 month stuff too.  He can still wear the 6 month things he was wearing before, but they're looser on him.
Feeding:  He's still breastfeeding really well, but our biggest challenge now is biting.  You'd think it wouldn't be because he doesn't have teeth yet, but he still bites pretty hard!  I have about 85 oz of milk in the freezer for him, so we're still working toward that 300-400 oz goal.  I'm going to have to look into investing in a small deep freezer!
Sleeping:  He's doing much better with napping, but he still doesn't love it.  We're full time co-sleepers now.  Originally he was in the rock n' play, but he sleeps so much better when he's in the bed with me. Plus, I get more sleep because he just rolls over, nurses, and then goes right back to sleep.  He pretty consistently sleeps from about 10:30pm to 9am (if I'm in the bed with him).
Loves: Bath time, breastfeeding, sucking on his fists, standing, talking, mornings, funny faces, mirrors, his toes, the swing, the jogging stroller, splashing.
Hates: Sleep, bottles, his car seat.

Favorite Moments

Thoughts on the fourth month
And just like that, you're done with 1/3 of your first year!  It's flying by so fast!  I still love coming home to see you on my lunch break and I'm so thankful that I get to continue working while spending as much time with you as I can.  You are laughing up a storm!  Your favorite game in the world is to stand in the sink full of water in front of the mirror and SPLASH like crazy!  You laugh and laugh and laugh at yourself.  It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!  You've still only played with your toes a few times, but you LOVE your little fists!  Those things are in your mouth constantly.  Thankfully, you've weaned yourself off of television a little bit.  You still love to watch certain shows, but you're having fun doing other things now, which makes me very happy.  You love going running (you like to go with daddy more than with me) and you cry the second we stop to walk.  It amazes me how much of a boy you are already, you already laugh when you poop and fart!  Little stinker!  You're getting so big and so strong and I'm so excited to see your personality develop even more.  I love you more each day little boy.