Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Thoughts on breastfeeding: Weaning

I've given a lot of thought to the big decision of when to wean lately.  When I first got pregnant with Maxwell, and even before that, I knew I was going to breastfeed.  I knew that there were women that had problems with breastfeeding, but I really didn't know anything about those problems and it honestly didn't occur to me that we may experience some of them.  I just knew in my head that I was going to nurse and I just really didn't consider any other option.  I obviously now know that I really didn't know much about what I was going to be up against and that there are a whole slew of things that can go wrong and put a wrench in your plans.

Fast forward to Maxwell's birth and hospital stay and to all the challenges we faced in the first few months (separated for 2 hours after birth, nipple confusion due to pumping, thrush that lasted for over a month, mastitis that sent me to urgent care, latch issues due to a lip tie).  We really had almost every problem in the book, aside from supply issues.  My boobs were in constant pain for pretty much the first 4 months or so and breastfeeding was not totally comfortable until about 8 months...and then he started biting!

My plan was to nurse him for a year, that's just what I had always heard when people referred to an "ideal" length of time.  I didn't even know that there were women who nursed longer than that.  Even around the 8 month mark, I was planning to start weaning after his first birthday.  He had started biting me and he was just nursing SO much.  I wanted my body back and I was sooooooooo done with pumping.  But something in me said that we were not ready to be done, especially Maxwell.  When Maxwell first became very clingy, and separation aversion really kicked in, nursing really saved my sanity.  I can't imagine how I would have calmed him down some days if we hadn't had nursing.  And I think about all the moments cuddling with him I would have missed out on, because that kid will not cuddle for anything except the promise of boobs.  I don't know how long we'll continue, but I don't have plans to stop anytime soon.  If he decides to wean on his own at this point, even though I would be a little sad, I obviously wouldn't fight it.  But on the other hand, I really can't see myself nursing a 3 year old....then again, I didn't really see myself nursing past 1.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

13 Months Old

Clothing Size/Height & Weight:  I'm still a little peanut, all of my 6-9 month clothes still fit and my 12 month clothes are still too big.  The weigh in at 1 year had me at 18 3/4 lbs. and 28 1/2 inches tall.

Favorite Toy:  I love to play with blocks and my toy helicopter that my babysitter, Ally, got for my birthday.  I'm also currently obsessed with the diaper pail.  I taught myself how to put the diapers in...then I realized a lot of other fun things fit in there too.  Blocks, clothes, books, mommy's cell phone....

Newest Milestones:  I've been walking like a pro since I was 11 months old, but now I'm really steady on my feet and FAST too.  I started clapping my hands pretty recently and daddy taught me how to high five.  You all know how much positive reinforcement mommies and daddies need!  Oh, and I said mama for the first time...but I only say it when I really need something, I don't want to spoil her.

Favorite Foods:  I love bananas (but only when I get to bite off of mommy's or daddy's), strawberries, pancakes, blueberries, and sushi (avocado rolls to be exact).

Is Mama getting any sleep?  More than she was last month!  I've been going to sleep in my crib and I try to give her 3 hours or so before I take over my rightful the big bed.  Even though I know she doesn't like to, I try to get her up by 7am.  Sometimes it's necessary to wake her from her deep sleep at 5am though, it makes it easier to rouse her later.

Update: I am aware that I am a totally worthless blogger.

I know I totally skipped over Maxwell's 11 & 12 month updates, but I promise I'll do my best to catch up and post those when I can!  It's been a very hectic couple of months, mostly because of my job, but I think things are going to be more manageable very soon and I'll find some time to finish some of the posts I've been procrastinating meaning to write.

Posts you can {hopefully} look forward to:
12 Month Update
My exciting opportunities within my job
1 year postpartum update, w/ pictures
Upcoming visit to Fargo, ND to see my bestie and my first solo flight with Maxwell
How I feel about turning 25
My photography aspirations and goals for this year
James and I celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary