Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Friday, March 29, 2013

10 Months Old

Clothing Size:  Still in 9 month clothing and still in size 3 diapers.  His weight gain has definitely slowed down, but that's normal and to be expected with him getting more active with crawling & cruising.
Feeding:  He's still eating breast milk for most of his meals.  He sometimes gets a snack during the day, but still only gets a solid "meal" once a day.  We just follow his lead with how much he wants to eat.  He's really starting to have fun with learning to feed himself though!  He knows how to drink from a straw and LOVES to drink water from his sippy/straw cup.
Sleeping:  Thank goodness, but I think the major sleep regression is over!  He's still somewhat difficult to put down in the crib sometimes, but we're pretty consistently putting him in the crib around 8:30-9:00pm and he'll sleep until about 11:00pm when I go to bed and he comes with me.
Milestones: We now have a mouth full of chompers!  Maxwell has 6 teeth and a 7th one is VERY close to popping through.  He is fully capable of standing by himself, but is still too scared to try it.  I have a feeling it won't be long before he's fully walking.  Not much more development in the language area, he just doesn't have nearly as much interest in talking as he does in moving!

Favorite Moments

Thoughts on the tenth month
I can't believe you're in double digits little buddy!  Your first birthday is creeping up faster than I would like!  Not that you weren't always fun, but you're in such a fun stage right now.  You learn new things every day and you're becoming such a little boy.  Pretty soon my little baby is going to be gone and will be replaced with a crazy, energetic, sweet little toddler.  I wish I could get a good picture of you with your kitty cats, your face lights up like a Christmas tree every time you see them!  I wish you wouldn't squeal at them though, they'd probably like you a whole lot better if you didn't!  You have a mouth full of teeth and you love to use them on everything!  Everything goes in the mouth these days.  You're even getting good at taking naps, which daddy & I are very appreciative of.  I can't wait for the weather to get warmer so I can see your face light up at the pool for the first time.  I know you're going to love it, you're SUCH a water baby.  You are obsessed with the bath and the shower still, you don't even care if water is all over your face and in your eyes.  I really hope we get the chance to live in Hawaii again, I know you will want daddy to teach you how to surf!

9 Months Old

Clothing Size:  We're officially out of 6 month clothing!  He's starting to round out again, so I think he's going to hit a growth spurt soon.  He just went to the doctor on March 1 and he's 18 lbs, 27 inches long.
Feeding:  We're still doing mostly breast milk, but we are just starting to increase his solid intake.  Although, we probably won't increase it too much until after his first birthday.  It's really important for me that solids are just for fun and taste, not for nutrition at this point.  He gets everything he needs from breast milk.
Sleeping:  We're going through major sleep regression right now.  He was down to waking only 2 times a night, but lately he's been waking every 40 mins or so and he is a nightmare to put down.
Milestones: He's starting to babble more and he makes a couple of sounds pretty consistently   He says "dada", "gaga", "rara", & "nana".  He just cut his third tooth as well, his top right front tooth.

Favorite Moments
Instagram first again :)

Thoughts on the ninth month
I took so long to write this that I totally missed a month :(  I'll catch up in your 10 month post.  Sorry little buddy.