Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My last night of pregnancy

Tomorrow we are heading to the hospital to be induced, due to the fact that my amniotic fluid is still low.  Although, I'm hoping I go into active labor on my own because I've been having contractions all day and they seem to be getting stronger and starting to form a pattern.  

I'll take one last photo in the morning before we leave for the hospital, but for now here are the ending stats!  My belly measured 38 inches around (at the bellybutton) and I weighed in at 162 lbs, for a total waist gain of 11 inches and weight gain of 30.5 lbs!  I can't wait to see what I end up at when I get home from the hospital. 

I also can't wait to know what Maxwell looks like!  I'll be sure to post a picture as soon as I can!  

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A fun look back

39 Weeks

39 Weeks/9 Months

Maxwell's size: About 20 inches long, and around 7 lbs, as much as a mini watermelon.
How far along: 39 Weeks
Total weight gain:  30.5 lbs.  The past few weeks I haven't even really thought about weight gain to be honest.  I feel like I'm so close to the end that I don't really have to stress about it, and funny enough, I didn't gain anything this past week!
Sleep: Just plain awful.  I'm so uncomfortable in pretty much any position and I wake up every hour and a half to two hours to pee.  I have to go to bed a good 12 hours before I need to be up if I have any hope of getting enough sleep to make it through work.
Stretch Marks: Still don't have any!  
Symptoms:  Heartburn is still my only real complaint.  Although, it seems like it's still getting worse!  I've been taking Tums like they're candy just to avoid tasting acid in my mouth constantly.  My throat is raw all the time.
Movement: He's slowed down somewhat, but I'm definitely still feeling him move plenty.  He gets the hiccups several times a day.
Belly Button: Still just flat...I don't think it's possible for it to pop out.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Possibly the scariest moment of my life.

Today, my son decided to try his hand at scaring the crap out of his parents (for the second time).  We had our ultrasound this morning to check his size and his amniotic fluid level.  The tech didn't seem concerned at all about the fluid, but she didn't say whether it was normal or not.  

Fast forward to about 4pm this afternoon and I'm sitting down for a touch base with my boss at work and the phone rings.  She answers it, and all I hear is "may I ask who's calling?".  She then hands me the phone and tells me it's my doctor and it's urgent.  My heart immediately sank into my stomach.  My OB is on the phone telling me that he tried to call my cell phone twice (I don't keep it on me at work) and he called James' cell to get this number.  Apparently, he'd just received the results from my ultrasound this morning and my amniotic fluid measured extremely low.  For this point in pregnancy, normal Amniotic Fluid Index is anywhere from 5 centimeters to 25 centimeters.  At this morning's ultrasound, I measured at about 4.5 centimeters, which is dangerously low.  He tells me that I need to leave work immediately and go to the hospital where they will do a full biophysical profile (ultrasound) to re-check my levels and hook me up to the fetal heart rate monitor to make sure Maxwell is not in distress.  So I ask, "and what happens if my AFI is actually that low?", and he replies "then you have the baby today!".  Yikes!  I was SO not prepared for that!  This whole pregnancy I've had my mind made up that he will come in his own time and we would have this very natural birth with minimal intervention...well that just about went out the window!

Of course, I book it out of work like a bat out of hell, calling my husband while rushing frantically to the car to tell him he needs to pack up the hospital bags in the car and be ready to leave as soon as I get there. I get home and we leave for the hospital.  And as we're driving to the car, it just hit me.  I don't give a shit what kind of birth I have to have as long as he is healthy and fine.  Not that that thought hadn't crossed my mind before, but I don't know if I truly believed that I was ok with that before.  It was this immediate acceptance of whatever was coming my way as long as he was going to be ok.  And in that second, all of a sudden I was calm.

We got to the hospital around 4:45-5pm and went straight up to the maternity floor.  They checked me in and sent me immediately downstairs for the ultrasound.  As soon as she pulled him up on the screen and checked his heart rate, I instantly felt better.  He was doing fine.  She checked his movement and we witnessed him practicing his breathing and after that she was confidant that he was not in distress.  She measured my fluid again and sent me back upstairs to the maternity floor to be monitored and wait for the results.  They put me in a room and hooked me up to the monitor, telling me that I'd be on it for about 20-30 minutes while we waited for the results of the ultrasound.  

Hooked up to the monitor

Over an hour later, the nurse finally comes back in and says "well, are you ready to go home?".  He did perfect on the monitor and my AFI came back at 6.5 centimeters.  She told us that the most likely cause was that I hadn't had enough to drink (which I'm not sure how that's possible considering that I probably drink 2-3 liters of water/juice in a day) and was dehydrated.  She gave me some tips to boost my AFI and sent me on my way with an appointment to go back to the hospital on Monday and repeat everything they did today.

All in all, it turned out fine and he's been kicking away since I've been home, but it was definitely a rude awakening that he could come at any moment and in whatever fashion he chooses.  Thank goodness I have this weekend off because I've been ordered to spend it drinking as much water as possible and laying on my left side.  Thankfully, I also have plenty on the DVR to keep me occupied.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

T minus 10 days

It was hard to get any decent pictures of him because he's a lot bigger than he was at his 22 week ultrasound.  But, here's a picture of his {very smooshed} face.  The ultrasound tech estimated his size to be 6lbs 13oz.  I'm curious to see how accurate her estimation is!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I just scored these Kate Spade sunglasses on Gilt.com for $65!  Now, does anyone have any idea if it's possible to get prescription lenses put into existing frames?  
It is amazing to me how much shaving my legs makes me feel like a new person...I really should take the time to do it more often!

Monday, May 21, 2012

More reading material

Today we are attempting to come to a decision on which vaccines we're going to give to Maxwell, which ones we're going to delay, and which ones we will not give him at all.  Such a hard decision!  Wish us luck with our research!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

38 Weeks

38 Weeks
Maxwell's size: Over 19.5 inches long, and around 6.8 lbs, about as much as a pumpkin.
How far along: 38 Weeks
Total weight gain:  30.5 lbs
Sleep: Sleep has actually been a bit better this week.  Friday I slept until 4:30pm, I definitely needed it!
Stretch Marks: Still none!  I'm so close to being done and I'm crossing my fingers that it stays that way!
Symptoms:  Still heartburn.  I can't wait for that to go away.  I have Tums in my purse, in my nightstand, in my car, at work....everywhere.  I get heartburn from drinking water.
Movement: Still a wiggler!  He's still very active, no slowing down here!
Belly Button: Still just flat.  There's a little part of it that pokes out a little, but I don't think it's going to pop all the way out.

In other news this week, I walked a 5k run with 3 of my girlfriends for Pancreatic Cancer on Saturday. To my surprise, when I picked up my number, I was #38.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The bags are packed

Last night was a night of cleaning like a mad woman nesting.  I finished packing my bag and Maxwell's bag for the hospital.  I'm not going to take pictures of what's inside, because really it's just my boring clothes.  LOL.  But, I know some of you wanted to know what I have packed, so here's the list.
  • 2 Nursing gowns (because I've been told gowns make it easier for the nurses to "check" you)
  • 1 Pair of nursing pajamas
  • A few nursing tanks
  • Yoga pants
  • A few pairs of OLD underwear (in case I don't want to wear the lovely mesh panties the hospital provides)
  • Postpartum support shapers in 2 sizes
  • Fuzzy socks and slippers
  • Bathrobe
  • Travel size shampoo, conditioner, & body wash
  • Clarisonic
  • Toothbrushes & toothpaste 
  • Essential makeup & skincare (we're talking foundation, lip balm, & mascara, that's it)
  • A hairbrush & elastic bands
  • My camera
That's just the stuff for me after the birth, if anyone can think of anything else I might want, feel free to chime in.  I just need to pack a few things for labor and an outfit to go home in.  And James still needs to pack a bag for himself.
  • Ipod & headphones (for my hypnobirthing tracks)
  • Light snacks and gatorade

Sunday, May 13, 2012

37 Weeks: Full Term!

37 Weeks/Full Term
Maxwell's size: About 19 inches long, and around 6 1/3 lbs, about as much as a winter melon.
How far along: 37 Weeks, and only 21 days left til my due date!  Today also officially puts Maxwell and I at full term!  He could come anytime between now and 5 weeks from now if he were to come late.
Total weight gain:  28.5 lbs.
Sleep: Sleep wasn't as bad as far as being comfortable, but the bigger Maxwell gets, the worse the heartburn gets.  Anything I eat at this point gives me heartburn.  There's no avoiding it.  And that makes it really hard to get to sleep!
Stretch Marks: Still none!  Yes!
Symptoms:  Still just heartburn and more heartburn!
Movement: He's still very active!  I see and feel him move all the time and he likes to rest his feet on my left side.
Belly Button: Still holding on mostly, it's completely flat and very stretched.  But it's still in there!
He's now officially full term and I'm seeing my OB and Midwives once a week.  I went and had a tour of the maternity ward at the hospital and now we know exactly where to go!  I guess that means he'll be here any day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I finished the hospital bag!  It was by far the most difficult sewing project I've attempted and I probably won't do it again.  I'm just proud of myself for actually finishing it!  It's partially packed and I'm working on packing Maxwell's stuff in his diaper bag.

Also, I had the pleasure of having my Group Beta Strep test this morning at my OB appt.  Nothing like waking up early to sit in a waiting room for an hour and then be violated.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

36 Weeks

36 Weeks
Maxwell's size: Over 18.5 inches long, and around 6 lbs, about as much as a large coconut.
How far along: 36 Weeks, and only 28 days left til my due date!  It's hard to believe that he could really come any day at this point.  I see the doctor/midwife once a week now, so it's really sinking in that we're just waiting for him to arrive!
Total weight gain:  29.5 lbs.  (I'm not sure if that's right though because I forgot to weigh myself before I got dressed and ate this morning, so it might be a little off)
Sleep: Sleep was AWFUL this week.  I feel like I might have slept better if he was here and screaming all night!  I'm just super uncomfortable in any position and it's really hard to fall asleep when your body aches so much.
Stretch Marks: Still no stretch marks and I'm still slathering my belly with oil hoping that they stay away!
Symptoms: This week was just a lot of body aches and sore feet.  Heartburn wasn't too bad and the Braxton-Hicks seem to have subsided a bit, maybe because I've been drinking so much water.
MovementHe's still moving, but not as big of movements because he's getting cramped in there.  I mostly feel and see him pushing his little limbs out as he stretches.
Belly Button: It's surprisingly still in.  I really thought it would have popped out by now, but maybe it's not going to!
Misc: We still have a little organizing left to do in the nursery and I really need to pack the hospital bag!  But, I've been putting it off because I didn't feel like finishing the lining this week.  Hopefully that will get done tomorrow on my day off.  I'm so excited for him to get here and even though I want him to bake in there as long as he needs to, I'm really starting to get impatient for him to be here!