Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

8 Week Appt.

I went yesterday for my 8 week OB appt.  Got a whole bunch of goodies and information to take home and I also got counseled on genetic testing.  We'll be getting a few of them done, so I'll have that scheduled in the next few weeks.  They took 11 vials of blood from me yesterday!  I'm amazed that I remained conscious!  Next appt is scheduled for November 28!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The stroller comes tomorrow!  

8 Weeks

I know I'm terrible...I forgot to post the belly pic this week.  But here it is a little late.

Feeling pretty bloated these days...yuck.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 7: Day 2

Sorry this is a day late, but things have been pretty busy around here!  I got the job with Bath & Body Works!  So my last day at Motherhood is the 25th and I'll start at BBW on the 27th!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The best thing ever.

If you have ever suffered from morning sickness, car sickness, or any nausea in general, you should check out Psi Bands.  I bought a pair off of Amazon for about $15 and they are amazing.  The idea is that they apply acupressure to a point on your wrist that relieves nausea.  So far, I say they work.  I've worn them all day and haven't felt sick once, and I was actually able to eat 2 full meals today!

We purchased our first baby gear today!

And we have a stroller!  The one I've been eyeing came up on a sale at Gilt.com and I knew it was meant to be!  It was $250 cheaper than the lowest price on Amazon, so we went for it!  Now all we need is the car seat and our travel system is complete!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I've grown an inch!

But not on the bump....no, no...I've gained an inch in the tatas!  Yikes!  I'm scared about how big they're going to get in another 7 1/2 months!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

1st Ultrasound

And there's only one pea in my pod!  Yay!  The ultrasound puts me at 6weeks1day, but I still think that's a day behind.  We also got to hear and see the heartbeat!  So cool!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

6 Weeks

We had our first OB appt. on Friday and we've also started looking at doulas!  We have our first ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday the 11th and we can wait to see what our little sweet pea looks like!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

5 Weeks: Day 6

I had my first OB appt today!  She didn't do much, just did a Pap and prescribed me some pre-natal vitamins, but I scheduled my first ultrasound for Tuesday!  She said that we might be able to hear the heartbeat at that appt!  We go back for our next appt on the 28th and I'll be 9, almost 10, weeks!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So I was thinking...

....while I was driving to work, listening to Lady Gaga...that if we're having a boy, I should probably cut back on the Lady Gaga while he's in the womb.  Or I just might have a Brock on my hands....

5 Weeks: Day 4

And the morning queasies have arrived.  I still haven't managed to toss my cookies yet, but I'm definitely noticing nausea in the morning.  It's getting harder to force down breakfast because no food sounds appetizing in the morning.  I see crackers and ginger ale in my future....

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So I found a doula that is willing to travel to my area if I decide to have a hospital birth!  That makes me really happy because I like having options and it was starting to look like my only option was drive the hour/hour and a half to the birth center in Delaware or risk a lot of medical intervention with a hospital birth.  Now I don't feel quite as nervous at the prospect of delivering in the hospital if that's the choice we make.  Yay!

5 Weeks: Day 3

Just got my results back from my blood work on Friday, and my levels are still going up!  They are over 3000 and I should get the results from todays blood draw tomorrow!  Good news!  Can't wait until my appointment on Friday!

Monday, October 3, 2011

5 Weeks: Day 2

So the idiots at the lab did the wrong test!  Instead of checking hire much HCG I have in my blood, they only checked if I had HCG

Sunday, October 2, 2011

5 Weeks

Somehow I was off on my calculations and was counting the wrong days on my calendar, but I'm actually 5 weeks today!  Here's the bump pic!