Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

6 Months Old

Weight:  15lbs, 8oz
Length:  25 3/4"
Head Circumference:  17"
Clothing Size:  He's surprisingly still able to fit in a lot of his 3 month clothing, but he's filling out 6 month clothing too now.  The doctor said he was on the smaller side (10th percentile for weight, 20th for height), but I think he's in the middle of a growth spurt.  
Feeding:  He's still a very distracted eater during the day, but eats really well at night.  Although, he was up about every hour last night, so that's getting a little old!  We gave him his first solids at Thanksgiving, just a little bit of organic avocado.  We probably won't start him on solids regularly until 8-9 months though, it just doesn't feel right yet.   
Sleeping:  He still hates to nap, but we're starting to figure out his signs of tiredness better and are able to get him to sleep sometimes before he gets overtired.
Loves: His kitties, the exer-saucer, bubble baths in the big tub, the remote control, breastfeeding, chewing on everything, standing, talking, mornings, rolling, mirrors, peek-a-boo, his toes, splashing, The Lion King.
Hates: Naps, bottles, his car seat, not being able to see everything, diaper changes.

Favorite Moments

Thoughts on the sixth month
Half a year old!  We're halfway to your first birthday!  You're so much fun and you learn and grow more every day.  You're rolling over like a pro (both ways), although sometimes you forget how to roll from your tummy to your back.  You sit up without any help and you've even started diving onto your tummy like you want to start crawling.  I know that's not too far away!  Everything goes in your mouth these days and it seems like everything we own is covered in drool!  I hope you get a tooth soon so that your little gummies will stop bothering you so much.  You love taking bubble baths in the big tub, you take one with mommy every night.  You had your first Halloween and your first Thanksgiving and you even got to meet Santa!  Daddy and I can't wait for your first Christmas!

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