Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

29 Weeks

29 Weeks

Maxwell's size: Over 15 inches, and 2 1/2 lbs, about as much as an acorn squash.
How far along: 29 Weeks.
Total weight gain:  23 lbs.
Sleep: I've been really tired this week.  I haven't really had trouble sleeping, but it hasn't been great either.  I'm back to waking up a lot at night to use the bathroom.
Stretch Marks: Still none!  I'm slathering my belly in my Mama Mio belly oil and crossing my fingers that I come out of this unscathed!
Food cravings: Still no real "cravings", but it's been a lot more difficult to turn down sweets.
Food aversions:  None.
Symptoms: Heartburn was actually better this week, but I think I've been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions.  I'm not 100% sure though.  I'll have to ask about it at my appointment on Wednesday!
MovementStill moving quite a bit and the movements are definitely getting stronger.  One night this week he kicked so hard that James and I both saw it and it looked like he was trying to jump right out!
Belly Button: Slowly disappearing, but still an innie.
Nursery Update: Well, I did actually find time (at like 2am when I couldn't sleep) to organize his nursery and get some things put away.  We've stocked up on diapers and he's got enough newborn clothes now (we're only doing onesies for newborn because he'll grow out of them so quick).  The only things left to do for the nursery is to paint some little shelves I want to put up and I want to line his dresser drawers with fabric.  But then we're done and the room is ready for his arrival!

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