Hi! I'm Caitlin, wife of James and mama of Maxwell. I am a proud USCG wife, former ballerina, photographer, and retail manager. Being a working mom isn't easy, and this blog gets {seriously} neglected now and then {most of the time}, but I keep up with it when I can.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

3 Months Old - A little late

I started writing this post before Maxwell's 3 month birthday, but haven't had time to finish it!  Being back to work leaves very little time to get anything done and priority one (after taking care of little man of course) is spending time with James & trying to keep our house in order!  So here it is, the 3 month update, about a week late!

Weight:  13 lbs, 2 oz 
Length:  22 1/4 inches
Head Circumference:  16 inches
Clothing Size:  Max is a little chunker now!  He started out so petite, but breast milk is doing him well.  Most babies double their birth weight by 4-6 months and he's already pretty much done that!  He went from being in the 25th percentile in weight at his last appointment (6 weeks ago), to 75th percentile at this appointment.  Needless to say, he's pretty much already out of most 3 month and some 3-6 month clothing.  I was thinking that he was going to be in 6 month clothing around Christmas time, but now it's looking more like I'll need 9 month clothing for winter!
Feeding:  He's clearly still doing well with eating.  Our breastfeeding problems are pretty much gone and he only gets bottles (still breast milk) while I'm at work.  I've been doing well building an emergency freezer stash and I have about 72 ounces so far (about 3 days worth of milk).  I'd like to get to about 400 oz. eventually so that I have a little over 2 weeks worth.  Then when he eventually starts solids I'll have enough saved up to continue giving him breast milk long after he's been weaned.
Sleeping:  He still doesn't like to nap, but he's a pretty decent sleeper at night.  With the exception of eating, we're big on schedule and routine for him.  He eats on demand still, but we always give him his bath and put him to bed at the same time every night.  Usually he's asleep by 10-10:30pm and he'll sleep until 3am.  He has one feed then (in bed with the lights off) and goes right back to sleep until about 8am.  Of course, he does have crazy nights when he doesn't fall asleep til midnight or wakes every hour, but for the most part he's pretty good.  We're still struggling with whether to swaddle or not...he sleeps better with it, but he can't fall asleep swaddled, so that's a big challenge.
Loves: Bath time, breastfeeding, the Boba wrap, talking, mornings, funny faces, mirrors, his toes, the swing, the jogging stroller.
Hates: Sleep, bottles, his car seat.

Favorite Moments

Thoughts on the third month
You change so much so fast!  It's so hard to believe that a quarter of your first year has already come and gone.  I'm so thankful that I'm able to work across the street from home and that I can come see you on my lunch break every day.  You smile so much and have even laughed a few times!  I look forward to hearing you laugh more and seeing you reach all of your little milestones.  Yesterday, you found your toes for the first time and you thought they were SO fun!  Next you'll be putting them in your mouth!  In spite of mommy trying not to let you watch TV, you still crane your neck to watch Daddy's TV shows.  At least you're starting to let Mommy read to you a little bit!  I have a feeling you're going to skip the whole crawling thing!  You don't like to be on your belly and you're already putting all of your weight on your fat little legs!  We love you so much and we're having so much fun watching you grow!

1 comment:

  1. I love that I got to meet Maxwell a few weeks ago! I love him and you too, Caitlin! I'm so happy for you and motherhood is treating you well! You look great and sound so happy! Xoxo
